Ready to Transform Your Coaching Career?

Howdy, Zack here.

I’m thrilled to share a journey with you that has transformed my life and could very well transform yours.

Back in 2019, I was where you might be right now. I had explored the world of Business Operating Systems (BOS) coaching, considering paths like becoming an EOS Implementer, Scaling Up Coach, or even a Vistage Chair (not a BOS btw). My background as a lifelong entrepreneur and consultant had equipped me with many tools, but I was searching for something more—something that could help me make a lasting impact while balancing my top priorities: my faith, and my family.

Why I Left EOS and Built Top Teams

Back in 2019, I joined EOS as a Professional Implementer, but when they introduced their franchise model in early 2021—with required travel, monthly fees, and strict adherence to their rules, I knew it wasn't for me. The idea of signing a 500-page franchise agreement that would own my clients and penalize me for not following their methods was too much for me.

That said, EOS is a fantastic system with a powerful brand and great books like "Traction" and "Get a Grip." If that structure works for you, that’s wonderful. But for those who crave more flexibility and ownership over their coaching practice, there are other ways.

Enter Top Teams

Top Teams is a coaching platform that connects businesses with Certified Top Coaches™ to help them go from stuck to scaling by implementing a customized Business Operating System (BOS) that benefits every team member and everyone they impact.

Who is This For?

  • Entrepreneurs & Executives looking to leverage their experience and make a significant impact on other businesses.
  • Coaches and Consultants seeking a new path that aligns with their skills and passion for teaching and leading.
  • Professionals from diverse backgrounds (mktg, product mgmt, sales/biz dev, comm/client success) who want to transition into coaching but aren’t sure how their skills translate.

Why Coach with Top Teams?

1. Customizable Frameworks

Our methodologies adapt to each client's unique culture and goals, ensuring a personalized approach to system implementation.

2. Impactful & Caring Community

Join a network of driven professionals dedicated to mutual growth and success. Collaboration isn't just encouraged; it's integral to every member's journey.

3. Unmatched Flexibility and Value

Forget about exorbitant start-up fees, restrictive contracts, and mandatory travel. With Top Teams, you maintain full control over your practice. We offer a simple annual membership that includes everything—training, certification, and access to continuous professional development, including our Weekly Coach meetings, which are key to your success.

My Journey and the Birth of Top Teams

When I left EOS, I didn’t rush into creating a competing system. I spent the last three years building, testing, iterating, and improving Top Teams. I don't see us as competitors as much as friends in this BOS world. I'll be the first to tell someone to join EOS, whether it's a coach or a company interested in running on EOS. Yet, just like there is plenty of room for Starbucks, Coffee Bean, and local coffee shops, there's room for Top Teams to be an alternative approach for coaches and companies seeking a more personal touch.

At Top Teams, we focus on seven foundational building blocks essential for any business; Strategy, Impact, Teams, Flow, Focus, Data, and Growth — plus three core Growth tools: The Company Way, The Customer Journey, and The Company AI Wiki. Each of these has been tested, refined, and proven to move clients from low-level Business Operating Systems to high-level fully integrated ones.

Most importantly, our methods are focused on the people involved—the leaders and owners, every team member, their partners, their customers, and the impact they leave on the world. Business is more than just making money. Of course, we help our clients grow profitably. But, growth for growth's sake alone is rarely ever the goal of the clients we serve. We love working with pioneering leaders who are ready and willing to do the work it takes to build a strong and fully integrated Business Operating System. They care about their people and the impact they leave behind.

Let's Rewind a Bit

When I attended EOS Boot Camp back in 2019, I was in a room with people from varied backgrounds—entrepreneurs, executives, and even a school teacher and sports coach. The teacher questioned if he belonged there, but by the end of the first day, it was clear he did. His passion for teaching and coaching was invaluable, proving it’s not just professional accolades that make a great coach but passion, energy, and a drive to help others succeed.

After running a community of business coaches over the last two years, I found that many, although extremely qualified, struggled to build a viable coaching practice. It's hard to run your own solo practice, and that's why we have to treat our practices like we coach our clients and why Top Teams is different in terms of how we support our coaches in building and scaling their practices.

The Top Teams' Difference

I'm now making Top Teams available to you because a good friend, Peter, who holds a master’s in organizational leadership and runs a business in a neighboring town, shared his interest in getting into BOS coaching but didn't feel that EOS, Scaling Up, or other solutions were right for him. At the same time, a member of my coaches group reached out and asked if I'd be willing to share my 'secrets'. I took stock of what I've built and tested over the last few years and realized it's ready to share and bring others into this journey with me.

Our brand new Membership is your chance to be part of Top Teams from the start. But, I do recommend taking my free course first, 'Is BOS Coaching for Me'.

You don't have to follow the rules of EOS, Scaling Up, or other major players to become a BOS Coach. I've been deeply immersed in all things Business Operating Systems since 2019. While continuing to coach clients, I've also consulted, helping create key resources for their 90U Library, such as their Rollout Guide. And I've been pouring myself into making Top Teams ready for you and other coaches. I've tested new tools that fill the gaps of traditional BOS frameworks and I've seen the outcomes of those tools—helping teams become 'Best Places to Work', double industry profit margins, and sell for millions more.

Why Top Teams Coaches Stand Out

Our coaches are more than just coaches. We are facilitators, teachers, guides, friends, and consultants. We’re committed to creating transformational change on both personal and professional fronts for every team member and everyone they reach—their Circle of Impact.

How Top Teams Supports Your Coaching Business

  1. Training & Certification: Comprehensive training covering the BOS world, effective methods, and detailed session walkthroughs. Once you complete the course, you become a Certified Top Coach™.
  2. Weekly Practice-Building Meetings: Critical for running a successful coaching practice and maintaining accountability. We practice what we preach. You show up, share your scorecard, and get/give help to peers.
  3. Office Hours: Open sessions with me, Zack, for 1:1 support and real-time help.
  4. Community Support: Engage with peers, share experiences, and grow together in our real-time community.
  5. Affiliate Program: Earn 20% lifelong commission for referring coaches to Top Teams. Refer 5 coaches, and your membership is free.

Ready to Get Started?

Take the Free Course:

"Is BOS Coaching for Me?" to see if BOS Coaching is for you.

Join Top Teams:

Our Certified Top Coach™ program is available now.

Let's Make a Difference Together

If you feel called to this space, if you’ve been an entrepreneur, executive, or just someone passionate about making a difference, Top Teams might be your perfect fit. We understand the challenges of balancing a coaching practice with personal life. That’s why our system is designed to support you every step of the way.

Join us, and let’s create a legacy of impact. Transform your career, transform businesses, and together, let’s make a lasting difference.

Take the Next Step

Visit to take the free course or join as a Member today. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in our Open Q&A space at Top Teams.

Looking forward to seeing you succeed,

Zack Swire Founder & Head Coach, Top Teams

My Commitment Guarantee

I believe so strongly in the value of Top Teams that I offer a commitment guarantee. After your first 90 days and completing the course, if you're not on track, we'll meet with you 1:1 to help you get on track. While we do not provide refunds, we are committed to your growth. Your success is our priority, and we’ll stand by you to help you reach your goals. If you decide not to renew after your first year, you may cancel your membership at any time before the next year’s billing cycle and not be charged for the next year. You will retain your Certified Top Coach™ designation, as you'll have already passed the course and integrated it into your practice. You will lose your status as an active member of Top Teams and access to COACH Weekly and other Community benefits. We want you to stay a member, but we won’t penalize you for choosing to leave. Just like earning a degree, it shouldn't be stripped away because you are no longer actively involved in the college you attended. That’s how we see it. We're here for you, without all the strings, policing, and requirements. What I ask is that you show up and commit and I'll be here for you every step of the way!

See What My 1st Ever Client Kunal Had to Say

Take it from Kunal Shah and Team PBS, my first ever BOS client, who stuck with me through the transition from EOS to Top Teams and developing the first Company AI Wiki, which has become a core tool in our Top Teams approach to taking companies to the next level of growth.

See What Other Coaches Have to Say

While I developed Top Teams, I created a group called, Top Coach, which was open to any kind of professional coach. We now use that title as our Certified title in Top Teams.

So, What Will You Have to Say?

If you join me in Top Teams, I promise to be there by your side, on your journey to become the best Coach you can be — earning what you wish, and working how much you want, while achieving your personal and professional goals. I'm here for you.

Will you join me?

Read 'How We Scale' With Me

Whether or not Top Teams is for you, I invite you to read my weekly letter, which I write and share each Wednesday with my friend and our illustrator, Jenna Brown.

Looking to Work with a Top Coach?

After we complete our first cohort, we'll be rolling out a full Top Teams website and coach listing. Meanwhile, you may complete my Client Intake Form or request a Fit Call.

If My Letter Spoke to You, Take the First Step...

Take the Free Course:

"Is BOS Coaching for Me?" to see if BOS Coaching is for you.

Join Top Teams:

Our Certified Top Coach™ program is available now.

Coach Zack



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